I Know you might have thought that Creating High-Quality Web Pages can help your website index faster on Google for a long time. Well, Now the scenario has changed as the new Information suggests that it is not required for every Web Page to be a High-Quality in order to perform well on Google Search Engine Rank Pages.
Today in this Article, you will get to know about the truth behind our Information and the source behind it. Along with that, we will Provide you the Golden opportunity to get effective SEO Services that will rank your Website Pages in Blink of an Eye.
Previously Google has said that when Web Pages are not indexed without having any technical issue, the reason might be that the pages does not fulfil the criteria of Quality that should be included in the Google Search Index. This Information seems opposite to what John Mueller of Google has said in forum on X.
John Mueller has said that "A page can be of high quality and still not be indexed - it's not guaranteed." "Pushing it through these tools doesn't guarantee that they will stay (or even become) indexed. He also added that “There’s just a lot of good (& also questionable) stuff on the web, shrug.”
Here are those tweets:
We had known earlier by Google that if you want to submit your pages to Google, you had to work on quality issues with your site.Normally, Google want to crawl, index and rank high-quality pages. But is in unusual that Google doesn’t guarantee that it will index everything, every time. Even if it is high-quality Web pages. That shows that Google is also not perfect in its work.
Considering Google Imperfection, anyone who is interested in SEO Should have checked VRD Creative for once. Not only it will provide them essential SEO understanding but will also help them rank their Google Pages more accurately.
We hope that you are satisfied by the information. To get more updates and News related to Google, reach us at our Page. We always kept our eyes on google updates.