If you use Microsoft Bing as your Default Search Engine than you might have seen a line under Meta Description column about the number of visitors that had viewed or clicked on the Page.
This info-tab is recently introduced by Bing to provide users the number of Visitors that was interested in the ad.
Microsoft Bing is likely to be testing this feature as this may not be accessible to every Bing user. Here is the Screenshot that Khushal Bherwani Posted on X of this feature:
Speaking about rival Google, we have earlier saw that Google has showed this feature in search results as well as in Sitelinks. Also, Google has a way to filter sites that you have not visited yet.
As the change can be only seen under Sponsored Ads, the SEO Services will get surely impacted with it as now SEO’s can provide their clients the number of visitors who had visited on their campaign.
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